Lumières DEL
- Support Kit d'installation pour barre lumineuse DEL SKU: 03580
In Stock: Login in to see Qty4,99 CAD $ - Interrupteur On/Off pour lampe de travail légère 12V fusible 13.5A, fil 3 m SKU: 03574
In Stock: Login in to see Qty25,99 CAD $ - Barre lumineuse 2 DEL, 2x10w, 50Lm, 10-30VDC, IP67, Spot Bleu SKU: 03562
In Stock: Login in to see Qty29,99 CAD $ - Barre lumineuse 48 DEL, 48x1w, 5800LM, 10-30VDC, 4.7A , 6000k, 575x80x65mm SKU: 03531
In Stock: Login in to see Qty89,99 CAD $ - Barre lumineuse 24 DEL, 24x1w, 2900LM, 10-30VDC, 2.3A , 6000k, 301x80x65mm SKU: 03530
In Stock: Login in to see Qty57,99 CAD $ - Barre lumineuse 6 DEL 6x1w, 720LM, 10-30VDC, 0.9A, 6000k, 97x80x65mm, Spot SKU: 03528
In Stock: Login in to see Qty20,40 CAD $ - Barre lumineuse 78 DEL, 78x3w, 19500LM, 10-30VDC, 11.8A, 6000k, 915x80x65mm SKU: 03521
In Stock: Login in to see Qty201,99 CAD $Ajouter à ma liste d’envieNon disponible pour l'instant - Barre lumineuse 60 DEL, 60x3w, 15000LM, 10-30VDC, 7.3A, 6000k, 710x80x65mm SKU: 03520
In Stock: Login in to see Qty119,99 CAD $Ajouter à ma liste d’envieNon disponible pour l'instant - Barre lumineuse 36 DEL, 36x3w, 9000LM, 10-30VDC, 5.6A , 6000k, 435x80x65mm SKU: 03518
In Stock: Login in to see Qty75,99 CAD $ -
- Boule de Cristal Magique, DEL RGB 6x3W ajustable, appareil "plug-and-play" SKU: 03422
In Stock: Login in to see Qty79,99 CAD $ - Barre lumineuse 96 DEL, 96x3w, 24000LM, 10-30VDC 12.6A, 6000k, 1016x80x65mm SKU: 03308
In Stock: Login in to see Qty219,99 CAD $ - Barre lumineuse 48 DEL, 48x3w, 12000LM, 10-30VDC, 5.7A, 6000k, 575x80x65mm SKU: 03307
In Stock: Login in to see Qty99,99 CAD $ - Barre lumineuse 24 DEL, 24x3w, 6000LM, 10-30VDC 4A IP67, 6000k, 301x80x65mm SKU: 03306
In Stock: Login in to see Qty64,99 CAD $ - Barre lumineuse 12 DEL, 12x3w 3000LM 10-30VDC 2A 6000k, 164x80x65mm, Spot SKU: 03305
In Stock: Login in to see Qty36,99 CAD $ - Barre lumineuse 6 DEL 6x3w 1500LM 10-30VDC 1A IP67, 6000k, 97x80x65mm, Spot SKU: 03304
In Stock: Login in to see Qty19,99 CAD $ - Kit de lumière bande dessous de cabinet cULus 6000K Blanc Froid Paquet de 4 SKU: 03288
In Stock: Login in to see Qty65,00 CAD $ - Kit de lumière ronde dessous de cabinet cULus 3000K Blanc Chaud Paquet de 4 SKU: 03287
In Stock: Login in to see Qty49,98 CAD $ -
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